Mak Ying Tung 2
Home Sweet Home: 1, 2, 3, 4 Cheese RAW
Coloured pencil on paper, triptych
30 x 53.5 cm

(text from artist)

Home Sweet Home (2019-) series are triptychs on canvas that make use of the popular American life simulation video game “the Sims” and are each painted by three separate painters on the Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao. Mak2 uses "the Sims" as a virtual construction tool for her ideas of both utopia and dystopia in the context of Hong Kong. In the game she creates bizarre environments such as bedrooms filled with CCTV cameras, lonely millennial hangout spots, and pools on roofs filled with flowers. She takes screen-captures of these digital fantasies and divides the resultant images into thirds. Each third is subsequently painted by a separate painter found on Taobao, who is given as little instruction as possible. Through fracturing the process of production and allowing external factors to intervene in the actualisation of her artwork, Mak2’s Home Sweet Home series not only elucidates the inevitable disparity between fantasy and reality, it also crafts a comment on authorship, “copy-cat” culture, and the complex narratives that construct her understanding of home.


《Home Sweet Home》系列運用美國流行電子遊戲《模擬人生》來構成布本三聯畫,三屏畫布分別由三位僱自中國電子購物平台淘寶的畫家完成。 麥映彤二以《模擬人生》視覺化在香港的脈絡下,有關烏托邦與敵托邦的概念。她先在遊戲裏構建怪誕的場景,如充滿閉路電視鏡頭的睡房、千禧一 代孤寂的聚會地點、還有屋頂上種滿鮮花的泳池。她截圖保存種種數碼的幻想,將畫面分成三等份,分予淘寶上的畫家,讓他們在最有限的指引下重新把場景繪畫出來。在分拆《Home Sweet Home》的製作過程之中,外來的因素直接介入作品的成形,不止闡明了幻想與現實的落差,同時在著作權、抄襲文化、家園的論述上作出評論。

©️Mak2, Courtesy de Sarthe, HK